All original works by Ramie Rudlee (except newspaper articles and names used for inspiration, and where noted). Feedback, questions and ideas welcome.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Newspapers & Nail Polish: The Backstory

I said I was going to write this summer, in lieu of working a real job (and since that raft of paying summer string students never materialized).  So, when a pair of extravagant expenditures needed to be justified, I came up with this blog idea.

 Both extravagances took place while I was back home in Maryland to celebrate my mother's 75th birthday (less than five months after her death) and help my dad around the house a bit.

First expenditure--a subscription to an on-line newspaper archive service, called (clever name).  I accidentally tripped into a year's subscription, missing the cheaper monthly subscription to try it out and even cheaper FREE trial.  Now stuck with a year of being able to look at old newspaper pages from around the country, I decided to assign myself the task of performing arbitrary searches to use as inspiration for short stories (or essays, or . . . something written).

Second expenditure--my first ever pedicure.  I had been working diligently away in my mother's rooms, going through her clothes, books, various papers, and dealing with the broken hearts of my dad and brothers.  While sitting on the kitchen steps for a break, I looked down at my bare feet and decided it was time to woman-up and get my nails did.  I made an appointment at a place nearby.

It was nice (I paid too much, tip-wise), and I'm still enjoying the pale pink color on my toes--a color I'll call "Sandy and the Lifeguard."  It seemed that in a lot of cases, 'colorful' names for nail polish was the norm, the actual color description being the least important element in the title.  I saw another jumping off place for story ideas.

So, here is Newspapers & Nail Polish.  My goal is a weekly entry, alternating between the two inspirational sources.

I think I hear Sandy calling  . . .

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